Factors for positioning a website | SEO and Optimization | Web design Belgrade

Factors for positioning a website | SEO and Optimization
Web dizajn Beograd | Studio 77+
Positioning factors

What are the most important factors for website positioning on Google?

Every company doing business over the internet has an ultimate goal of showing up on the fist page of the most commonly used search engine.

How to achieve this and which factors are crucial for website positioning on search engines?

Anwers to these questions are not simple nor easy since no one can surely list and confirm all the factors significant for website positioning. Lot of factors affects website position on Google, over 200. Some of them are: quality and domain age, SEO sandards, keyword density, number of external hyperlinks, Page Rank etc. There are a lot of misconceptions about SEO factors, and most common one is that number of visits is the most important factor. That, of course, is not the case.

Given the fact that majority of people in Serbia is using Google for searching the internet, it is clear that the main goal for every company doing business online needs to have their own website positioned on Google.

If you are not Nike nor Coca-Cola, and your website is poorly positioned on Google, you can shut it down.

Is it easy to position a website on Google?

Website position depends on quality of SEO implementation (optimization), external hyperlinks and other factors, and activity of your competitiors. We often have clients asking for their website getting to Google’s first page for searches with certain generic terms or keywords (e.g. opel parts, car parts, restaurants belgrade etc.).

Our answer is simple – type the desired phrase or keyword into Google search and find out how many competitor pages are there.

When you see several hundred or million of competitor pages, it will be clear that it’s not easy getting to Google’s first page for selected keywords and phrases. It’s not easy, but it is achievale if you have knolegde and information how to do it.

The conclusion – positioning a website on Google search results page is not an easy task and it can take a long time.

How long does it take to position a website?

Positioning a website on Google can take months, even years.

As we already mentioned, there is a large number of factors affecting website position on Google, and there is also competition working on their websites as well.

We have already placed over 150 projects on Google’s first page, and in some cases with the competition of 100 million web pages. Sometimes the process lasted around 3 months, at other times it took even a year.

When we carefully look into all the important factors for positioning a website on Google, we give an assessment for the amount of time needed for a website to get to a certain position and how much it could cost.

What is the price for website positioning?

Our calculation formula for finding a price for positioning a website is very simple and unique, it is:

Number of competitor’s pages on Google x 0.1 Serbian dinar

Here’s how to get the price for positioning a website:

  • Find the keywords you would like to triger and position your website on Google search;
  • Type in those keywords in Google search;
  • When you get the results, look at the upper lefthand corner of your browser and you will see the number of competitor pages on Google;
  • Multiply the number on competitor pages by 0.1 dinars and you will get the price for positioning your website for particular keywords on the first page of Google search;

You should have in mind that getting your website on Google search for the local market (e.g. Google.rs) is not the same as for the global Google – Google.com

Getting on Google with a click of a button?

Great idea. Unfortunately there is no way of positioning a website this way, unless you know Brin and Page, Google owners.

Website positioning is complex process that requires serious months-long work. We would like to have an ability to position a website with a click of a button, but it is just not possible.


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